When I heard that Rio de Janeiro had won the right to host the olympics in 2016, I like many others was estatic. I remember back in 1997 when Rio was trying for the first time to qualify, and that was for the 2004 olympics. Little by little, year after year, Brazil rose in terms of credibility and stature. I think some of the things that proved to make a diffrence were Brazil's work with alternative fuels, and the fact that they have weathered the economic recession pretty well for a country of their size. The president of Brazil, Luiz Ignacio da Silva, make a good point when he showed how many times the olympics had been held in other countries and continents, yet never in south America. The Brazilian people deserved this one, it will bring even more credibility and investment to their country, but the biggest winner by far is Rio, since she will be shined to a diamond bright and hopefully some of the crime and social problems will be addressed